Systemic antiviral immunization by virus-mimicking nanoparticles-decorated erythrocytes

  • 作者:Wang L, Wang X, Yang F, Liu Y, Meng L, Pang Y, Zhang M, Chen F, Pan C, Lin S, Zhu X, Leong KW, Liu J.
  • 期刊:Nano Today. 2021 Oct;40:101280.
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New vaccine technologies are urgently needed to produce safe and effective vaccines in a more timely manner to prevent future infectious disease pandemics. Here, we describe erythrocyte-mediated systemic antiviral immunization, a versatile vaccination strategy that boosts antiviral immune responses by using erythrocytes decorated with virus-mimetic nanoparticles carrying a viral antigen and a Toll-like receptor (TLR) agonist. As a proof of concept, polydopamine nanoparticles were synthesized via a simple in situ polymerization in which the nanoparticles were conjugated with the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein S1 subunit and the TLR7/8 agonist R848. The resulting SARS-CoV-2 virus-mimetic nanoparticles were attached to erythrocytes via catechol groups on the nanoparticle. Erythrocytes naturally home to the spleen and interact with the immune system. Injection of the nanoparticle-decorated erythrocytes into mice resulted in greater maturation and activation of antigen-presenting cells, humoral and cellular immune responses in the spleen, production of S1-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies, and systemic antiviral T cell responses than a control group treated with the nanoparticles alone, with no significant negative side effects. These results show that erythrocyte-mediated systemic antiviral immunization using viral antigen- and TLR agonist-presenting polydopamine nanoparticles-a generalizable method applicable to many viral infections-is effective new approach to developing vaccines against severe infectious diseases.


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