Ribosomal Protein L23 Negatively Regulates Cellular Apoptosis Via the Rpl23/Miz-1/C-Myc Circuit in Higher-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome

  • 类型:
  • 作者:Qi, Y., Li, X., Chang, C., Xu, F., He, Q., Zhao, Y. & Wu, L.
  • 期刊:Scientific reports 7, 2323 (2017)
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Ribosomal protein (RP) L23 is a negative regulator of cellular apoptosis, and RPL23 overexpression is associated with abnormal apoptotic resistance in CD34+ cells derived from patients with higher-risk myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). However, the mechanism underlying RPL23-induced apoptotic resistance in higher-risk MDS patients is poorly understood. In this study, we showed that reduced RPL23 expression led to suppressed cellular viability, increased apoptosis and G1-S cell cycle arrest. Gene microarray analysis comparing RPL23-knockdown and control cells identified an array of differentially expressed genes, of which, Miz-1, was upregulated with transactivation of the cell cycle inhibitors p15(Ink4b) and p21(Cip1), and Miz-1's functional repressor, c-Myc, was downregulated. Cells derived from higher-risk MDS patients demonstrated consistently increased expression of RPL23 and c-Myc and decreased Miz-1 expression compared with cells from lower-risk patients. In conclusion, Miz-1-dependent induction of p15(Ink4b) and p21(Cip1) was depressed with decreased Miz-1 and increased c-Myc expression under conditions of elevated RPL23 expression, leading to apoptotic resistance in higher-risk MDS patients. Because RPL23 is encoded by a target gene of c-Myc, the RPL23/Miz-1/c-Myc regulatory circuit provides a feedback loop that links efficient RPL23 expression with c-Myc's function to suppress Miz-1-induced Cdk inhibitors and thereby leads to apoptotic resistance in higher-risk MDS patients.
