Site-Specific Pegylation of a Mutated-Cysteine Residue and Its Effect on Tumor Necrosis Factor (Tnf)-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand (Trail)

  • 类型:
  • 作者:Pan, L. Q., Wang, H. B., Lai, J., Xu, Y. C., Zhang, C. & Chen, S. Q.
  • 期刊:Biomaterials 34, 9115-9123 (2013)
  • 阅读原文

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) is a promising antitumor agent that specifically induces apoptosis in broad-spectrum tumor cell lines, meanwhile leaving normal cells unaffected. Unfortunately, the clinical development of TRAIL was hampered, and could be attributed to its instability, bioavailability or poor delivery. Although N-terminal specific PEGylation provides a means to improve the pharmacokinetic and stability of TRAIL, it took a bit longer time to accomplish the PEGylation process than expected. We therefore designed another PEGylation approach, mutated Cys-SH site-specific PEGylation, to conjugate methoxypoly(ethylene glycol) maleimide (mPEG-MAL) with TRAIL (95-281) mutant N109C. Asn-109 was chosen as the PEGylated site for it is a potential N-linked glycosylation site. It was shown that ~90% TRAIL mutant N109C could be PEGylated by mPEG-MAL within 40 min. And mPEG(MAL)-N109C was revealed to possess superior in vitro stability and antitumor activity than N-terminal specifically PEGylated TRAIL (114-281) (mPEG(ALD)-TRAIL(114-281)). What's more, mPEG(MAL)-N109C exhibited more therapeutic potentials than mPEG(ALD)-TRAIL(114-281) in tumor xenograft model, benefitting from better drug delivery and bioavailability. These results have demonstrated mutated Cys-SH specific PEGylation is an alternative to site-specifically PEGylate TRAIL efficiently and effectively other than N-terminal specific PEGylation.
