作者:Novus官网 发布日期:2014-09-25 09:00
![]() 肿瘤干细胞与正常干细胞有很多相似的特点,如二者都具有自我更新、可以产生大量分化细胞及拥有一些共同的表面标记。所不同的是正常干细胞在有序的调控下发挥自己的功能,如在正常的生理条件下,造血干细胞受到细胞周期调控因子p21与p18的调节,大部分时间都处于静止状态,当造血干细胞收到外界信号刺激后,才会进入自我更新或分化进程,维持组织的更新与修复,整个过程处于平衡状态。而肿瘤干细胞分裂与分化是失控的,通过不断自我更新与分化,最终产生大量的肿瘤细胞,维持着肿瘤的生长与异质性。 Novus提供大量与肿瘤干细胞研究相关的产品,方便广大科研用户。
产品引用文献: 1.[CD34 Antibody NB600-1071) Fiorina P, Pietramaggiori G, Scherer SS, et al. The mobilization and effect of endogenous bone marrow progenitor cells in diabetic wound healing. Cell Transplant. 2010;19(11):1369- 81. [PMID: 20977829] 2.[CD34 Antibody NB600-1071] Kalabis J, Oyama K, Okawa T, Nakagawa H, Michaylira CZ, Stairs DB, Figueiredo JL, Mahmood U, Diehl JA, Herlyn M, Rustgi AK. A subpopulation of mouse esophageal basal cells has properties of stem cells with the capacity for self-renewal and lineage specification. J Clin Invest. 2008 Dec;118(12):3860-9. 3.[CD44 Antibody AP00142PU-N] Walker F, Zhang H-H, Odorizzi A, Burgess AW. LGR5 Is a Negative Regulator of Tumorigenicity, Antagonizes Wnt Signalling and Regulates Cell Adhesion in Colorectal Cancer Cell Lines. PLoSONE. 201. [PMID 21829496] 4.[EpCAM Antibody NB110-56958] Kalabis J, Oyama K, Okawa T, Nakagawa H, Michaylira CZ, Stairs DB, Figueiredo JL, Mahmood U, Diehl JA, Herlyn M, Rustgi AK. A subpopulation of mouse esophageal basal cells has properties of stem cells with the capacity for self-renewal and lineage specification. J Clin Invest. 2008 Dec;118(12):3860-9. 5.[EpCAM Antibody NB110-56958] Ralhan R, Cao J, Lim T, et al, EpCAM nuclear localization identifies aggressive Thyroid Cancer and is a marker for poor prognosis ,BMC Cancer 10 (2010) 331 6.[EpCAM Antibody NB110-56958] Maetzel D, Denzel S, Mack B, et al, Nuclear signalling by tumor-associated antigen EpCAM ,Nature Cell Biology11 (2009) 162-171. (IP) 7.[p75 NGF Receptor Antibody M-009-100] Wiese S, Herrmann T, Drepper C, Jablonka S, Funk N, Klausmeyer A, Rogers ML, Rush RA & Sendtner M (2009) Isolation and enrichment of embryonic mouse motoneurons from the lumbar spinal cord of individual mouse embryos. Nat Protoc. 2010;5(1):31-8 8.[p75 NGF Receptor Antibody M-006-100 and NGF Receptor Antibody NB100-1539] Davies A. et al (2010) The alpha2delta subunits of voltage-gated calcium channels form GPI-anchored proteins, a post translational modification essential for function Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. Jan 26;107(4):1654-9???????联科生物代理截止时间:2017年6月30日 |